Sea animals name in English

Explore the mesmerizing world of sea animals name with our comprehensive list of captivating marine creatures. From the graceful dolphins to the elusive octopuses, discover a diverse array of fascinating sea life that inhabits the Earth’s oceans.

Dive into this oceanic encyclopedia to learn about the enchanting creatures that call the sea their home. Whether you’re a marine enthusiast or just curious about the wonders beneath the waves, this curated collection of sea animal names is your gateway to a deeper understanding of our planet’s aquatic inhabitants.

Sea animals name

About Sea animals

Sea animals, also known as marine life, encompass a diverse array of organisms that thrive in aquatic environments. They inhabit oceans, seas, and other saltwater bodies, showcasing remarkable adaptations to their underwater habitats.

From graceful dolphins to vibrant coral reefs, the realm of sea animals is a tapestry of fascinating biodiversity.

Sea animals name: A-Z list

  1. Angelfish
  2. Anchovy
  3. Anemonefish (also known as Clownfish)
  4. Albatross
  5. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
  6. Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
  7. Atlantic Croaker
  8. Atlantic Goliath Grouper
  9. Atlantic Mackerel
  10. Atlantic Silverside
  11. Atlantic Wolfish
  12. Atlantic Stingray
  13. Atlantic Tarpon
  14. Atlantic Wolffish
  15. Atlantic Halibut
  16. Atlantic Horseshoe Crab
  17. Atlantic Sea Nettle (a type of jellyfish)
  18. Atlantic Flyingfish
  19. Atlantic Menhaden
  20. Atlantic Sailfish
  21. Barracuda
  22. Bluefish
  23. Bluegill
  24. Blowfish
  25. Bonito
  26. Box jellyfish
  27. Brittle star
  28. Bull shark
  29. Banded coral shrimp
  30. Blacktip reef shark
  31. Blue crab
  32. Blue marlin
  33. Blue ringed octopus
  34. Bluefin tuna
  35. Bottlenose dolphin
  36. Bowhead whale
  37. Bramble shark
  38. Bream
  39. Bullhead shark
  40. Butterflyfish
  41. Clownfish
  42. Cuttlefish
  43. Crab
  44. Clam
  45. Coral
  46. Conch
  47. Cowfish
  48. Cobia
  49. Cusk eel
  50. Croaker
  51. Cunner
  52. Cowrie
  53. Comb jelly
  54. Common dolphin
  55. Chiton
  56. Coral grouper
  57. Cleaner shrimp
  58. Coffinfish
  59. Carpet shark
  60. Cockatoo waspfish
  61. Dolphin
  62. Dugong
  63. Damselfish
  64. Devil Ray
  65. Dogfish Shark
  66. Driftfish
  67. Dwarf Lanternshark
  68. Dragonet
  69. Dusky Shark
  70. Dwarf Seahorse
  71. Drumfish
  72. Dab
  73. Darter
  74. Deer Cowrie
  75. Diadem Dottyback
  76. Discus
  77. Diamond Tetra
  78. Disk Winged Flyingfish
  79. Domino Damselfish
  80. Deep Sea Hatchetfish
  81. Eel
  82. Eagle Ray
  83. Electric Ray
  84. Emperor Angelfish
  85. Feather Blenny
  86. Filefish
  87. Fin Whale
  88. Flounder
  89. Flying Fish
  90. Frilled Shark
  91. Frogfish
  92. Ghost Crab
  93. Giant Clam
  94. Giant Isopod
  95. Goblin Shark
  96. Goby
  97. Great White Shark
  98. Green Sea Turtle
  99. Grouper
  100. Haddock
  101. Hagfish
  102. Hammerhead Shark
  103. Harlequin Shrimp
  104. Hawkfish
  105. Hermit Crab
  106. Herring
  107. Hippocampus (Seahorse)
  108. Hogfish
  109. Horseshoe Crab
  110. Humpback Whale
  111. Inshore Lizardfish
  112. Inshore Rockfish
  113. Irish Lord
  114. Jackknife Fish
  115. Jewel Damselfish
  116. Jewel Moray Eel
  117. King Angelfish
  118. King Croaker
  119. King-of-the-Salmon
  120. Kissing Gourami
  121. Knifetooth Sawfish
  122. Ladyfish
  123. Largemouth Bass
  124. Leatherback Sea Turtle
  125. Lemon Shark
  126. Leopard Danio
  127. Lined Sole
  128. Lionfish
  129. Longfin Dragonfish
  130. Longnose Gar
  131. Longnose Lancetfish
  132. Longnose Skate
  133. Longspine Squirrelfish
  134. Lowcrest Batfish
  135. Mackerel
  136. Mantis Shrimp
  137. Marlin
  138. Megamouth Shark
  139. Milkfish
  140. Minnow
  141. Mojarra Fish
  142. Moonfish
  143. Moorish Idol
  144. Moray Eel
  145. Mottled Skate
  146. Mullet
  147. Mummichog
  148. Muraena
  149. Muskellunge
  150. Mussel
  151. Nautilus
  152. Nurse Shark
  153. Oarfish
  154. Octopus
  155. Orca
  156. Pufferfish
  157. Prawn
  158. Parrotfish
  159. Plankton
  160. Porcupinefish
  161. Portuguese Man o’ War
  162. Quahog
  163. Queen Conch
  164. Queen Triggerfish
  165. Rabbitfish
  166. Ragged Tooth Shark
  167. Razorfish
  168. Red King Crab
  169. Red Lionfish
  170. Red Sea Urchin
  171. Regal Tang
  172. Ribbonfish
  173. Ribboned Seadragon
  174. Rudderfish
  175. Sure, here are 40 sea animals starting from ‘S’ to ‘V’:
  176. Seahorse
  177. Shark
  178. Skate
  179. Squid
  180. Starfish
  181. Stonefish
  182. Swordfish
  183. Sea anemone
  184. Sea cucumber
  185. Sea lion
  186. Sea otter
  187. Sea turtle
  188. Seagull
  189. Seasnake
  190. Seaweed
  191. Shrimp
  192. Sperm whale
  193. Sponge
  194. Stingray
  195. Sunfish
  196. Surgeonfish
  197. Swellshark
  198. Tadpole
  199. Tang
  200. Thresher shark
  201. Tiger shark
  202. Triggerfish
  203. Trumpetfish
  204. Tuna
  205. Turbot
  206. Urchin
  207. Vampire squid
  208. Velvet crab
  209. Viperfish
  210. Vulture crab
  211. Walrus
  212. Warty sea cucumber
  213. Weaverfish
  214. Weever
  215. Weeverfish
  216. Whale
  217. Whale shark
  218. Whelk
  219. White shark
  220. White-spotted puffer
  221. Wobbegong
  222. Wolf eel
  223. Wolffish
  224. Worm eel
  225. Wrasse
  226. Wrymouth
  227. X-ray Tetra (not a sea animal, but a freshwater fish)
  228. Yellow tang
  229. Yellowfin croaker
  230. Yellowfin tuna
  231. Yellowtail
  232. Yellowtail amberjack
  233. Yellowtail clownfish
  234. Yellowtail horse mackerel
  235. Yellowtail kingfish
  236. Yellowtail snapper
  237. Yellowtail surgeonfish
  238. Yellowtail tuna
  239. Yellowtail
  240. Yellowtail amberjack
  241. Yellowtail clownfish
  242. Yellowtail horse mackerel
  243. Yellowtail kingfish
  244. Yellowtail snapper
  245. Yellowtail surgeonfish
  246. Yellowtail tuna
  247. Zebra lionfish
  248. Zebra moray
  249. Zebra shark

Please note that some of these may not be strictly sea animals, but rather fish that inhabit both freshwater and marine environments.

Interesting facts about sea animals

Here are some interesting facts about sea animals:

Octopuses and Squid:

They belong to a group called cephalopods, which means “head-footed.” They have complex nervous systems and are known for their intelligence. Some species of octopuses can even solve puzzles!

Sea Turtles:

They are some of the oldest creatures on Earth, with ancestors dating back over 100 million years. They can travel long distances and return to the same beach where they were born to lay their eggs.


They are highly intelligent and social creatures. They use a complex system of clicks and whistles to communicate with each other and even have unique “names” for each other.


Despite their name, they are not actually fish. They belong to a group of animals called cnidarians, which also includes corals and sea anemones. Some jellyfish are bioluminescent, meaning they can produce their own light.

Blue Whales:

They are the largest animals on Earth, even bigger than most dinosaurs. Their hearts alone can weigh as much as a car!


They have been around for over 400 million years( Allah knows better ), making them older than most dinosaurs. Some species, like the Greenland Shark, can live for hundreds of years.

Mantis Shrimp: They have one of the most complex visual systems in the animal kingdom. They can see polarized light and have the ability to perceive a wider spectrum of colors than humans.


These colorful sea slugs are known for their vibrant patterns and intricate shapes. They’re often found in tropical waters and come in an astonishing array of colors.


When threatened, they can inflate their bodies to several times their normal size. This makes them harder to swallow and more difficult for predators to handle.


The female of the species has a bioluminescent lure dangling in front of its mouth to attract prey in the deep, dark ocean depths. They’re known for their bizarre mating behavior where the tiny males fuse onto the female.

These are just a few examples, and there are so many more fascinating sea creatures with unique behaviors and adaptations!

Difference between sea animals and water animals

Here’s a table outlining the key differences between sea animals and freshwater animals:

CategorySea AnimalsFreshwater Animals
HabitatLive in saltwater bodies like oceansLive in freshwater bodies like rivers, lakes, and ponds
Salinity ToleranceAdapted to high salt concentrationsTend to have lower tolerance for salt
ExamplesSharks, Dolphins, JellyfishFish like Trout, Catfish, Frogs, Turtles
BreathingUse gills for respirationUse gills or lungs for respiration
OsmoregulationMust regulate salt intake and excretionLess need for specialized salt regulation mechanisms
AdaptationsStreamlined bodies, fins for swimmingVaried adaptations depending on species
PredatorsInclude large predators like whalesInclude predators like pikes, bass
Food SourceCarnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorousCarnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous
ReproductionMany lay eggs, some give birth to live youngVaried reproductive strategies
MigrationSome undertake long-distance migrationsVaried migration patterns

Keep in mind that there are exceptions and variations within each category. Some sea animals can enter freshwater environments, and vice versa, depending on their life cycle and adaptability.


Exploring over 200 sea animals name along with pictures provides a captivating glimpse into the astonishing diversity of marine life. From the graceful elegance of dolphins to the enigmatic allure of deep-sea creatures, this comprehensive list takes you on a visual journey through the wonders of the ocean.

Whether you’re a marine enthusiast or just curious about the incredible creatures that inhabit our seas, this compilation offers a delightful and educational resource. Dive into this underwater world and let your imagination be stirred by the fascinating array of sea creatures, each one contributing to the intricate tapestry of life beneath the waves.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 10 water animal name?

Here are ten names of water-dwelling animals:

Which water animal has 4 legs?

The platypus is a unique water-dwelling mammal that has webbed feet with four legs. It’s known for its distinctive appearance and is native to Australia.

Which animal is only in the water?

One example of an animal that is exclusively aquatic is the dolphin. Dolphins are marine mammals and spend their entire lives in the water.

What sea animal has 8 legs?

An octopus is a sea animal with eight legs. They are known for their intelligence and remarkable ability to change color and texture to blend in with their surroundings.

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