Animals names

“Embark on an exhilarating journey through the diverse realm of wildlife with our comprehensive list of over 200 animals name in English, accompanied by captivating images! From the majestic African Elephant to the elusive Zebra, we’ve curated an A-Z compilation that promises to ignite your curiosity and deepen your appreciation for the fascinating creatures that share our planet.

Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, a student, or simply curious about the animal kingdom, this meticulously curated list is your passport to discovering nature’s wonders. Join us as we explore the rich tapestry of Earth’s inhabitants, all conveniently sorted for easy reference. Let’s dive into this visual safari and witness the beauty, diversity, and magnificence of our animal counterparts!

Animals name

200+ Animals Name : A-Z list

Embark on a captivating journey through the diverse realms of Earth’s fauna with our extensive compilation of over 200 animals. From awe-inspiring mammals to enchanting birds, scaly reptiles, and more.

  1. Aardvark
  2. Albatross
  3. Alligator
  4. Alpaca
  5. Ant
  6. Anteater
  7. Antelope
  8. Ape
  9. Armadillo
  10. Baboon
  11. Badger
  12. Barracuda
  13. Bat
  14. Bear
  15. Beaver
  16. Bee
  17. Beetle
  18. Bird
  19. Bison
  20. Boar
  21. Buffalo
  22. Butterfly
  23. Camel
  24. Capybara
  25. Caribou
  26. Cassowary
  27. Cat
  28. Caterpillar
  29. Cheetah
  30. Chicken
  31. Chimpanzee
  32. Chinchilla
  33. Chipmunk
  34. Clam
  35. Cobra
  36. Cockroach
  37. Cod
  38. Cormorant
  39. Coyote
  40. Crab
  41. Crane
  42. Crocodile
  43. Crow
  44. Curlew
  45. Deer
  46. Dinosaur
  47. Dog
  48. Dolphin
  49. Donkey
  50. Dotterel
  51. Dove
  52. Dragonfly
  53. Duck
  54. Dugong
  55. Dunlin
  56. Eagle
  57. Echidna
  58. Eel
  59. Elephant
  60. Elk
  61. Emu
  62. Falcon
  63. Ferret
  64. Finch
  65. Fish
  66. Flamingo
  67. Flea
  68. Fly
  69. Fox
  70. Frog
  71. Gazelle
  72. Gecko
  73. Giraffe
  74. Gnat
  75. Goat
  76. Goldfinch
  77. Goldfish
  78. Goose
  79. Gorilla
  80. Goshawk
  81. Grasshopper
  82. Grouse
  83. Guanaco
  84. Gull
  85. Hamster
  86. Hare
  87. Hawk
  88. Hedgehog
  89. Heron
  90. Herring
  91. Hippopotamus
  92. Hornet
  93. Horse
  94. Human
  95. Hummingbird
  96. Hyena
  97. Ibex
  98. Ibis
  99. Jackal
  100. Jellyfish
  101. Kangaroo
  102. Kingfisher
  103. Koala
  104. Komodo dragon
  105. Kookabura
  106. Kudu
  107. Lapwing
  108. Lark
  109. Lemur
  110. Leopard
  111. Lion
  112. Llama
  113. Lobster
  114. Locust
  115. Loris
  116. Lynx
  117. Magpie
  118. Mallard
  119. Manatee
  120. Mandrill
  121. Mantis
  122. Marmot
  123. Meerkat
  124. Mink
  125. Mole
  126. Monkey
  127. Moose
  128. Mosquito
  129. Mouse
  130. Mule
  131. Narwhal
  132. Newt
  133. Nightingale
  134. Octopus
  135. Okapi
  136. Opossum
  137. Ostrich
  138. Otter
  139. Owl
  140. Oyster
  141. Panther
  142. Parrot
  143. Partridge
  144. Peacock
  145. Pelican
  146. Penguin
  147. Pheasant
  148. Pigeon
  149. Plover
  150. Polar bear
  151. Pony
  152. Porcupine
  153. Porpoise
  154. Quail
  155. Quetzal
  156. Rabbit
  157. Raccoon
  158. Rail
  159. Ram
  160. Rat
  161. Raven
  162. Red deer
  163. Red panda
  164. Reindeer
  165. Rhinoceros
  166. Robin
  167. Rooster
  168. Ruff
  169. Salamander
  170. Salmon
  171. Sand dollar
  172. Sandpiper
  173. Sardine
  174. Sea lion
  175. Sea urchin
  176. Seahorse
  177. Seal
  178. Shark
  179. Sheep
  180. Shrew
  181. Skunk
  182. Snail
  183. Snake
  184. Sparrow
  185. Spider
  186. Spoonbill
  187. Squid
  188. Squirrel
  189. Starling
  190. Stork
  191. Swan
  192. Tapir
  193. Tarsier
  194. Termite
  195. Tiger
  196. Toad
  197. Trout
  198. Turkey
  199. Turtle
  200. Tiger
  201. Tortoise
  202. Toucan
  203. Uakari
  204. Uguisu
  205. Umbrellabird
  206. Vervet Monkey
  207. Vicuña
  208. Viperfish
  209. Vulture
  210. Wallaby
  211. Warthog
  212. Wasp
  213. Weasel
  214. Whale
  215. Wolf
  216. Wolverine
  217. Wombat
  218. Woodpecker
  219. Worm
  220. Wren
  221. Xerus (African Ground Squirrel)
  222. Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless Dog)
  223. Yak
  224. Yellowhammer
  225. Yeti Crab
  226. Yaffle (Green Woodpecker)
  227. Yellow Tang (Fish)
  228. Zebra
  229. Zebu
  230. Zonkey (Hybrid of Zebra and Donkey)

Comprehensive List of Over 200 herbivores animals name with Images : Alphabetic order A-Z

Categories of Animals

Animals are typically categorized into several main groups based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships. These categories include:

Mammals Animals

:Warm-blooded vertebrates that nurse their young with milk and typically have hair or fur.

List Of Mammals Animals names

  • Here is a list of mammal animals from A to Z:
  • Aardvark
  • Baboon
  • Cheetah
  • Dolphin
  • Elephant
  • Fox
  • Gorilla
  • Hyena
  • Impala
  • Jaguar
  • Kangaroo
  • Lemur
  • Moose
  • Narwhal
  • Ocelot
  • Panda
  • Quokka
  • Rabbit
  • Seal
  • Tiger
  • Uakari
  • Vampire bat
  • Walrus
  • Xerus (African Ground Squirrel)
  • Yak
  • Zebra


Warm-blooded vertebrates with feathers, beaks, and lay hard-shelled eggs.

Certainly! Here is a list of bird names in alphabetical order:

List of Birds Names

  • Albatross
  • Blue Jay
  • Cardinal
  • Duck
  • Eagle
  • Falcon
  • Gull
  • Heron
  • Ibis
  • Jay
  • Kingfisher
  • Lark
  • Magpie
  • Nuthatch
  • Osprey
  • Pigeon
  • Quail
  • Robin
  • Sparrow
  • Toucan
  • Uguisu (Japanese Bush Warbler)
  • Vulture
  • Warbler
  • Xantus’s Murrelet (X)
  • Yellowhammer
  • Zebra Dove


Cold-blooded vertebrates with scaly skin and lay soft-shelled eggs.

List of reptiles animals names

Here is a list of reptiles animals name

  • Alligator
  • Anaconda
  • Boa Constrictor
  • Chameleon
  • Crocodile
  • Gecko
  • Gila Monster
  • Iguana
  • Komodo Dragon
  • Lizard
  • Python
  • Rattlesnake
  • Salamander (some species are considered reptiles)
  • Sea Turtle
  • Skink
  • Snake
  • Tortoise
  • Tuatara
  • Varanus (Monitor Lizard)
  • Viper
  • Xantusia (Night Lizard)
  • Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus)
  • Zebra-Tailed Lizard

Please note that some of these names may refer to specific species or groups within the broader category of reptiles.


Cold-blooded vertebrates that typically have moist skin and undergo metamorphosis.

List of Amphibians

Here is a list of amphibian names in alphabetical order:

  • Axolotl
  • Bullfrog
  • Caecilian
  • Darwin’s Frog
  • Eastern Newt
  • Fire Salamander
  • Golden Poison Dart Frog
  • Hellbender
  • Indian Bullfrog
  • Japanese Giant Salamander
  • Korean Fire Salamander
  • Lesser Siren
  • Marbled Salamander
  • Northern Leopard Frog
  • Olm
  • Pacific Chorus Frog
  • Quacking Frog
  • Red-Eyed Tree Frog
  • Southern Torrent Salamander
  • Tiger Salamander
  • Upland Chorus Frog
  • Venezuelan Skunk Frog
  • Western Spadefoot


Cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water and typically have gills for breathing.

List of Fish species Names

Sure! Here’s a list of fish names in alphabetical order:

  • Angelfish
  • Barracuda
  • Catfish
  • Darter
  • Eel
  • Flounder
  • Guppy
  • Halibut
  • Icefish
  • Jackfish
  • Koi
  • Lionfish
  • Mackerel
  • Nudibranch
  • Oarfish
  • Perch
  • Quillfish
  • Rainbowfish
  • Salmon
  • Tang
  • Unicornfish
  • Velvetfish
  • Wrasse
  • X-ray Tetra
  • Yellowtail
  • Zebra Danio

These are just a few examples, and there are many more fish species out there!


Invertebrates with six legs and often wings, typically featuring a three-part body (head, thorax, abdomen).


Invertebrates with eight legs, including spiders, scorpions, and ticks.


Aquatic invertebrates with exoskeletons, including crabs, lobsters, and shrimp.


Soft-bodied invertebrates often protected by shells, including snails, clams, and octopuses.


Worms with segmented bodies, including earthworms and leeches.


Marine invertebrates with spiny skin, like starfish and sea urchins.


Aquatic invertebrates with stinging cells, including jellyfish and corals.

These categories provide a broad framework for understanding the diversity of animal life on Earth. Keep in mind that within each category, there are numerous species, each with its own unique characteristics and adaptations.

Interesting facts about common animals:

Here are some interesting facts about common animals:

Sure! Here are some interesting facts about common animals:


  • Dogs belong to the Canidae family, which also includes wolves, foxes, and other animals.
  • They have an extraordinary sense of smell, which can be up to 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans.


  • Cats are known for their agility and are excellent hunters due to their sharp claws and keen senses.
  • They communicate with their tails, ears, and vocalizations.

General Birds Facts:

  • Birds are the only animals that have feathers, which are modified scales.
  • The ostrich is the largest and heaviest bird in the world.


  • Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth.
  • They have a strong social structure and exhibit complex behaviors like mourning their dead.


  • Penguins are birds that have adapted to living in aquatic environments.
  • They are known for their distinctive black and white coloration.


  • Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals known for their playful behavior.
  • They use a system of clicks and whistles for communication.


  • Butterflies undergo a process called metamorphosis, where they transition from a caterpillar to a chrysalis, and finally to a butterfly.
  • They taste with their feet!


  • Bees are crucial pollinators, playing a vital role in food production.
  • Only female bees (worker bees) sting, and they do so to defend their hive.


  • Ants are social insects that live in colonies with specific roles for each member.
  • Some ant colonies can have millions of individuals!


  • Squirrels are known for their ability to climb trees and jump from branch to branch.
  • They have sharp, continuously growing incisor teeth.

Remember, there are countless species within each of these groups, each with their own unique behaviors and characteristics! If you want to know more about a specific animal, feel free to ask.


Compiling a comprehensive list of over 200 animals name in English, complete with images, serves as an invaluable resource for both enthusiasts and learners alike.

This extensive catalog, spanning from A to Z, not only aids in expanding one’s knowledge of the diverse fauna that share our planet, but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the richness of the animal kingdom.

Whether for educational purposes or simply for the joy of exploration, this compilation stands as a testament to the incredible biodiversity that surrounds us, urging us to continue cherishing and preserving the natural world for generations to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many animals can live to 100?

There are various species of animals that have the potential to live for 100 years or more. Some examples include:
Aldabra Giant Tortoise: These tortoises, native to the Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles, have been known to live over 100 years.
Bowhead Whale: These large Arctic whales can live for over 200 years, making them one of the longest-living mammals.
Ocean Quahog: This species of clam, found in the North Atlantic Ocean, has been recorded to live over 500 years.
Greenland Shark: Some specimens of this species have been estimated to live for over 500 years.
Red Sea Urchin: These marine creatures can live for more than a century.
Macaw Parrots: Certain species of macaws, if well-cared for, can live for over 100 years.
Koi Fish: With proper care, Koi fish can live for well over 100 years.
Box Turtles: Some species of box turtles have been known to live over a century.
It’s worth noting that while these animals have the potential for such long lifespans, various factors such as habitat, diet, and human impact can significantly influence their actual lifespans.
Otherwise Allah knows better

What are the 4 types of animals?

The four main types of animals are:
1. Mammals, 2. Birds, 3. Reptiles, and 4. Amphibians.
These classifications are based on specific characteristics and biological traits that differentiate them from each other.

What are 10 animals?

Here are ten different animals:
1. Lion
2. Elephant
3. Penguin
4. Dolphin
5. Snake
6. Giraffe
7. Kangaroo
8. Tiger
9. Eagle
10. Octopus

What are the 11 pet animals?

There are many different types of animals that can be kept as pets, but the most common ones are:
1. Cow
2. Cats
3. Fish
4. Birds (such as parrots, canaries, and budgerigars)
5. Hamsters
6. Hen
7. Rabbits
8. Goat
9. Camel
10. Pigeon
11. Sheep
Remember, though, that this list isn’t exhaustive, and people sometimes keep less conventional animals as pets too.

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